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Human Rights

Eolus supports internationally recognized conventions on human rights and labor standards and has zero tolerance for child labor, forced labor or human trafficking. Our work in this area is aligned with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, which is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. Based on these, we have a Code of Conduct and policies that guide our approach to human rights.

As a company, it is our responsibility to respect human rights and have processes to identify potential and actual risks, as well as to avoid causing, contributing to, or being linked to human rights violations through our business relationships. This applies both to the Eolus’ own operations and to our supply chain.

Dialogue with Indigenous People in Project Areas

The energy transition must also respect human rights, not least the rights of indigenous peoples, such as the Sámi people. Energy facility permitting is governed by a series of laws and regulations to ensure that the rights of indigenous peoples are respected, and that other community interests are taken into account. Before a permit process can begin, there is a democratic process of consultation, and various studies are also carried out. Eolus has long experience of dialogue with indigenous people who live and work in or close to our project areas and we always strive to initiate dialogue as early as possible.

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