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Business Ethics and Whistleblowing

For Eolus it is important to act responsibly in our business relations and create value for our stakeholders. Essentially it comes down to ensuring that we are a trusted company. Our guiding values state that we shall act responsibly, strive for dialogue, inspire confidence, and show positive results. Therefore, we have a Code of Conduct at Eolus that all employees and consultants are obliged to follow.

Code of Conduct

Several of Eolus employees have external contacts in their day-to-day work, for example with authorities that handle permitting, as well as clients and suppliers where large transactions are conducted.

For Eolus it is important to follow national anticorruption laws and regulations in the countries where we are active, and we work proactively to prevent corruption, bribery, and fraud in our value chain.

Why whistleblow?

At Eolus, we strive to have an open and transparent workplace, where malpractice does not occur. By giving you the opportunity to report, we maintain it together. We use Visslan’s whistleblower channel which ensures your anonymity and high platform security. You can reach it by clicking here: https://Eolus.visslan-report.se/.

Who can report?

Our whistleblower procedure is open to anyone who wishes to report any irregularity or misconduct attributable to Eolus. If you are unsure, we encourage you to read more in the Guidelines for whistleblowing.

What can be reported?

We urge you to report suspicion of misconduct within the company with a public interest in it coming to light. If you are unsure, we encourage you to read more in our full Guidelines for whistleblowing. You do not need proof of your suspicion, but all reports must be submitted in good faith.

How is the reporting handled?

The report is handled confidentially. All irrelevant personal data will be deleted, and the case will only be saved for as long as necessary. Our cases are initially handled by law firm VICI to guarantee independent handling of cases, after which internal contact persons at our company may then take over the case.

More questions?

If you want to know more about our handling of whistleblower cases, personal data or work environment issues, please read the documents.

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