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The Board of Directors of Eolus Vind Aktiebolag (publ) (“Eolus”) has resolved, pursuant to the authorisation granted by the annual general meeting held on 16 May 2024, to repurchase own shares on Nasdaq Stockholm. The purpose of the repurchase is to secure future delivery of shares to the participants of Eolus’ long-term share savings program which was resolved by the 2024 annual general meeting and to cover the cash flow effects associated with the program, primarily social security charges.

The repurchase may commence on 29 August 2024 and will be administered by Carnegie Investment Bank AB, which will take trading decisions independently of Eolus with regard to the timing of the repurchases. However, no acquisitions will be made during a 30-day period prior to the announcement of a financial report.

A maximum of 18,000 series B shares may be acquired on one or several occasions prior to 15 May 2025. Repurchase shall be made on Nasdaq Stockholm in accordance with the Nordic Main Market Rulebook for Issuers of Shares. The repurchases will be made at a price within the prevailing price interval on Nasdaq Stockholm applicable from time to time (i.e. in the interval between the highest purchase price and the lowest selling price). Acquisitions may also be made by way of block trades in accordance with applicable rules. Payment for the shares will be made in cash. Reporting will take place through the stock exchange in accordance with applicable rules.

The total number of shares in Eolus amounts to 24,907,000, of which 1,284,625 shares are series A shares and 23,622,375 shares are series B shares. At the time of this press release, the company does not hold any own shares. In the event of a fully executed share repurchase, the company will hold shares representing approximately 0.07 per cent of the issued shares in the company.

Construction in focus during the second quarter

1 April–30 June 2024

  • Net sales amounted to 54 (1,742) MSEK.
  • EBIT amounted to -26 (517) MSEK. Profit before tax amounted to -45 (503) MSEK.
  • Net profit amounted to -50 (422) MSEK.
  • Earnings per share, before and after dilution equaled -1.99 (16.97) SEK.
  • At the end of the period, Eolus had 967 (817) MW under asset management.

1 January–30 June 2024

  • Net sales amounted to 98 (2,019) MSEK.
  • EBIT amounted to -55 (506) MSEK. Profit before tax amounted to -74 (491) MSEK.
  • Net profit amounted to -82 (407) MSEK
  • Earnings per share, before and after dilution equaled -3.29 (16.36) SEK.
  • At the end of the period Eolus had 967 (817) MW under asset management.

Significant events during the period

  • Eolus submitted a permit application to the government for the 2.2 GW offshore wind power project Skidbladner north of Gotska Sandön in Sweden.
  • Magnus Axelsson, Chief Operating Officer and deputy CEO, and Heléne Sebrén, Head of HR, decided to leave Eolus as of 30 June and 30 September 2024, respectively.
  • Christer Baden Hansen, formerly Chief Commercial Officer, was appointed Chief Operating Officer and deputy CEO of Eolus with effect from 1 July 2024.

Significant events after the balance sheet date

  • Eolus appointed Åsa Lamm as Chief People & Culture Officer taking office on 16 September 2024.

Financial Summary

MSEK Unit Q2 2024 Q2 2023 6 months 2024 6 months 2023 Rolling 12
Full year 2023
Net sales MSEK 54 1,742 98 2,019 381 2,301
EBIT MSEK -26 517 -55 506 203 764
Profit before tax MSEK -45 503 -74 491 154 719
Net profit MSEK -50 422 -82 407 83 573
Earnings per share before and after dilution SEK -1.99 16.97 -3.29 16.36 3.35 23.00
Equity per share SEK 57.00 55.86 57.00 55.86 57.00 60.63
Cashflow from operating activities MSEK -517 860 -498 624 -1,273 -152
Total assets MSEK 3,397 2,496 3,397 2,496 3,397 2,808
Net debt -/net cash+ MSEK -417 888 -417 888 -417 120
Order backlog MSEK 662 845 662 845 662 665
Project under construction MW 456 514 456 514 456 368
Taken into operation and handed over to customer MW 0 0 0 400 125 525
Project portfolio MW 28,386 25,446 28,386 25,446 28,386 26,836
Managed turbines MW 967 817 967 817 967 941
Equity/assets ratio % 44 58 44 58 44 56
Return on equity after tax % 6 37 6 37 6 46

Presentation of the report
At 10:00 today, CEO Per Witalisson and CFO Catharina Persson will present the report via a webcast with telephone conference.

In connection with the presentation, it will be possible to ask questions through the teleconference or in written form through the webcast. The presentation will be held in English.

If you wish to participate via webcast, please use the link below:
Via the webcast you can ask written questions.

If you wish to participate via teleconference, please register on the link below:
After registration you will be provided phone number and a conference ID to access the conference.
You can ask questions verbally via the teleconference.

Eolus Vind AB’s Interim Report for Q2 2024 will be published on Thursday 29 August 2024 at 7:45 a.m. (CEST). At 10:00 a.m. the same day a webcast with teleconference will be held, where the report is presented by CEO Per Witalisson and CFO Catharina Persson.

In connection with the presentation, it will be possible to ask questions through the teleconference or in written form through the webcast. The presentation will be held in English.

If you wish to participate via webcast, please use the link below:
Via the webcast you can ask written questions.

If you wish to participate via teleconference, please register on the link below:
After registration you will be provided phone number and a conference ID to access the conference.
You can ask questions verbally via the teleconference.

Eolus has appointed Åsa Lamm as Chief People & Culture Officer and member of the Group Management. She will take office on 16 September 2024 and be based in Malmö, Sweden.

Åsa Lamm has solid experience from leading positions in HR and joins Eolus from a role as Nordic HR Manager at Unilin Group. Before, she has held similar positions in Granitor Properties, Skanska and Manpower.
“I am pleased to welcome Åsa to Eolus and look forward to collaborating on the development of Eolus’s organization and culture. Bringing knowledge and experience from several sectors, I am convinced that Åsa will be a highly valuable resource on our continued growth journey”, says Per Witalisson, CEO of Eolus.
“I am strongly motivated to be part of Eolus and its important mission of developing renewable energy projects. I look forward to getting to know all the employees and to set the plan for continuing the development of people, organization and culture going forward”, says Åsa Lamm.

Eolus is applying to the Government for permission to build the Skidbladner offshore wind farm, with up to 147 wind turbines located just over 20 kilometers north of Gotska Sandön. The estimated electricity production is 11.7 TWh per year, which corresponds to half of today’s electricity consumption in Stockholm County or more than ten times Gotland’s electricity needs.

“Given the enormous need for new electricity production in Sweden, offshore wind power will need to be expanded gradually over many years to come. A wind farm of this size would therefore make a significant contribution to the Swedish electricity supply,” says Per Witalisson, CEO of Eolus. 

Eolus is planning several offshore wind farms in Swedish waters, two of which are located in the Swedish economic zone off Gotland; Skidbladner and Herkules. Together, they have the potential to supply Sweden with 4.6 GW of installed capacity and a total electricity production of approximately 25 TWh per year. Skidbladner, which reaches an important milestone with the application being submitted to the Government, covers a project area of approximately 1,400 square kilometers. There can be a maximum of 147 wind turbines, with a maximum total height of 360 meters to the blade tip, mounted on floating foundations that are anchored to the seabed. 

“The goal is for Gotland to have a completely renewable energy system by 2040, and initiatives like the Skidbladner offshore wind farm fit very well into that plan,” says Lars Thomsson, coordinator of Energy Island Gotland. 
The area for the Skidbladner wind farm is located about 100 kilometers southeast of Stockholm and 20 kilometers north of Gotska Sandön. The wind farm is expected to be completed by 2033 with an annual production of 11.7 TWh. This corresponds to household electricity for millions of homes – roughly half of Stockholm County’s electricity consumption today or more than ten times Gotland’s annual electricity needs. 

“One advantage of floating wind power is that it can be placed further out from the coast where wind conditions are even better and the visual impact is minimal. Eolus was a pioneer when we started as a wind power developer in the 90s. Now we look forward to being among the first to realize floating wind power in the Baltic Sea,” says Anna Lundsgård, head of offshore wind power at Eolus. 

Skidbladner at a glance 
Number of turbines: max 147 
Total height: max 360 m 
Project area: 1400 km² 
Planned installed capacity: 2.2 GW 
Estimated annual electricity production: 11.7 TWh 
Planned operational start: 2033 

More about the project here

For further information, please contact:
Per Witalisson, CEO, +46 702 65 16 15, per.witalisson@eolus.com
Anna Lundsgård, Head of Offshore, +46 73 062 65 26, anna.lundsgard@eolus.com

Christer Baden Hansen, currently Chief Commercial Officer, has been appointed Chief Operating Officer and Deputy CEO of Eolus from 01 July 2024.

Christer Baden Hansen joined Eolus in February 2023 after a long career at Vestas.

“I am delighted Christer has accepted to take on the role as COO. Eolus is on an exciting growth journey and I am convinced Christer will continue to play a key role in the future development and expansion of Eolus, now with a broader responsibility”, says Per Witalisson, CEO of Eolus.

“It is a fantastic opportunity to lead the development and realization of renewable projects contributing to the energy transition. Eolus has a strong project portfolio, a skilled organization, and long-lasting partnerships which I look forward to continuing working with”, says Christer Baden Hansen.

From 01 July, 2024, Eolus’s Group Management consists of the following members:
Per Witalisson, CEO
Christer Baden Hansen, COO
Catharina Persson, CFO
Heléne Sebrén, Head of HR
Karin Wittsell Heydl, Head of Communications & Sustainability
Karl Olsson, General Counsel

Heléne Sebrén, Head of HR, has decided to leave Eolus and return to her own consultancy business after four years with Eolus. She will remain in her role, including the position in the Group Management until 30 September 2024.

Heléne started working at Eolus in 2020 as a consultant, and in September 2022 she was employed as Head of HR and member of the Group Management.

“ Heléne has been a highly valuable resource for Eolus in a period of strong growth where she has led the development of our organizational structure, recruited more than 100 employees and contributed to the establishment of strong organizations in all our markets”, says Per Witalisson, CEO of Eolus.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of Eolus’s growth journey. Together we have built a strong organization that is well prepared for future success. I have now decided to return to my own consultancy business”, says Heléne Sebrén.

The process of recruiting a new Head of HR will start immediately.

Eolus Vind AB’s Annual General Meeting 2024 (“AGM”) was held today, Thursday, May 16.

The AGM adopted the presented income statements and balance sheets as well as submitted and proposed guidelines for remuneration to senior executives, remuneration report and granted discharge of liability to Board members and the CEO. In addition, the following principal resolutions were passed.

In accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposal, the AGM resolved to declare a dividend of SEK 2.25 per share for the financial year 2023, and the record date for the payment of dividends was set to Monday, May 20, 2024.

Marie Grönborg, Hans Johansson, Jan Johansson, Hans Linnarson, Bodil Rosvall Jönsson and Hans-Göran Stennert were re-elected as members of the Board of Directors. Hans-Göran Stennert was re-elected as Chairman of the Board. The accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was re-elected as the Company’s auditor, with authorized public accountant Vicky Johansson as auditor in charge.

It was decided that fees to the Board of Directors shall amount to SEK 500,000 to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 250,000 each to other Board members who are not employed by the Company, to SEK 80,000 to the Chairman of the Audit Committee and SEK 40,000 to other members who are not employed by the Company, and to SEK 15,000 to members of the Remuneration Committee who are not employed by the Company. It was decided that auditor fees shall be paid in accordance with approved invoice.

The AGM resolved, in accordance with the Board’s proposal, on authorization for the Board of Directors to, on one or more occasions before the next Annual General Meeting, resolve on repurchase and transfer of the Company’s own series B shares. Repurchase of own shares of series B may take place on Nasdaq Stockholm and be made to such extent that the Company’s holding of own shares at any given time amounts to a maximum of 10 per cent of all shares in the Company, and at a price per share within the registered share price interval at any given time. Transfers under the authorization may be made of all series B shares held by the Company, except for those repurchased to secure the Company’s commitments under the Company’s share savings program. Transfers on Nasdaq Stockholm may be made at a price per share within the registered share price interval at any given time.

The AGM also resolved on the implementation of a long-term share savings program as well as delivery arrangements in respect thereof by way of (i) authorization for the Board of Directors to resolve on repurchase of a maximum of 150,000 own series B shares and (ii) transfer of a maximum of 120,000 own series B shares free of charge to the participants.

The share savings program comprise all permanent employees in the Eolus Group and participation in the program requires that the participant acquires Series B shares in Eolus on Nasdaq Stockholm no later than June 28, 2024. Each savings share entitles the participant, subject to certain restrictions, to receive 0.5 Series B shares in Eolus (“matching shares”) free of charge at the end of the three-year vesting period. In addition, each savings share entitles the participant, subject to certain restrictions, to receive 0.5 series B shares in Eolus (“performance shares”) free of charge at the end of the vesting period if the share price of the Company’s share on Nasdaq Stockholm at the end of the vesting period has increased by 30 per cent. The right to receive matching shares as well as performance shares is conditional upon the participant maintaining his/her employment over the entire vesting period.

Investment decision and construction start in three Swedish projects

1 January–31 March 2024

  • Net sales amounted to 44 (277) MSEK.
  • EBIT amounted to -29 (-12) MSEK. Profit before tax amounted to -29 (-12) MSEK.
  • Net profit amounted to -32 (-15) MSEK.
  • Earnings per share, before and after dilution equaled -1.30 (-0.61) SEK.
  • At the end of the period Eolus had 939 (825) MW under asset management.

Significant events during the period

  • Eolus made an investment decision for the wind power projects Fågelås, Boarp and Dållebo in Sweden totaling 88 MW. A turbine supply agreement was signed with Vestas and construction will start immediately.
  • Eolus submitted a permit application for the 1,000 MW wind power project Blekinge Offshore off the coast of Blekinge.
  • Eolus and Simply Blue Group agreed to transfer full ownership of the joint venture SeaSapphire, which develops floating offshore wind projects, to Eolus.

Significant events after the balance sheet date

  • Magnus Axelsson, COO and deputy CEO, decided to leave Eolus as of June 30, 2024.

Financial Summary

Q1 2024 Q1 2023 12 months
Full year 2023
Net sales MSEK 44 277 2,069 2,301
EBIT MSEK -29 -12 747 764
Profit before tax MSEK -29 -12 702 719
Net profit MSEK -32 -15 556 573
Earnings per share before and after dilution SEK -1.30 -0.61 22.31 23.00
Equity per share SEK 61.45 38.88 61.45 60.63
Cashflow from operating activities MSEK 20 -236 104 -152
Total assets MSEK 2,958 1,951 2,958 2,808
Net debt -/net cash+ MSEK -112 55 -112 -118
Order backlog MSEK 662 1118 662 665
Project under construction MW 456 394 456 368
Taken into operation and handed over to customer MW 0 400 125 525
Project portfolio MW 28,095 24,477 28,095 26,836
Managed turbines MW 939 825 939 941
Equity/assets ratio % 54 53 54 56
Return on equity after tax % 44 13 44 46

Presentation of the report
At 10:00 today, CEO Per Witalisson and CFO Catharina Persson will present the report via a webcast with telephone conference.
In connection with the presentation, it will be possible to ask questions through the teleconference or in written form through the webcast. The presentation will be held in English.

If you wish to participate via webcast, please use the link below:
Via the webcast you can ask written questions.

If you wish to participate via teleconference, please register on the link below:
After registration you will be provided phone number and a conference ID to access the conference.
You can ask questions verbally via the teleconference.

Eolus Vind AB’s Interim Report for Q1 2024 will be published on Wednesday 15 May 2024 at 7:45 a.m. (CEST). At 10:00 a.m. the same day a webcast with teleconference will be held, where the report is presented by CEO Per Witalisson and CFO Catharina Persson.

In connection with the presentation, it will be possible to ask questions through the teleconference or in written form through the webcast. The presentation will be held in English.

If you wish to participate via webcast, please use the link below:
Via the webcast you can ask written questions.

If you wish to participate via teleconference, please register on the link below:
After registration you will be provided phone number and a conference ID to access the conference.
You can ask questions verbally via the teleconference.

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