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Facts about Renewable Energy

It is important to base our perceptions of renewable energy on facts and current research to more fully understand its advantages and limitations. The following are a few common notions about wind and solar power that we respond to using research and our experience.

Common myths about renewable energy:

Surveys show that wind turbines actually cause far fewer bird and animal collisions than factors such as cats and windows. Modern wind turbines also implement measures to reduce their impact on birds.

Even if solar installations produce less energy during the night and on overcast days, they can still generate significant amounts of electricity. Energy storage systems can also be used to store surplus energy for use during cloudy periods.

Modern wind turbines are designed to minimize noise pollution and vibrations. Most wind turbines do not cause significant noise problems for local residents.

The price of solar panels has fallen considerably in recent years, which has made them more affordable. Depending on local conditions, installed solar capacity generates sufficient savings on energy costs and thus generates a return on investment in a relatively short time frame.

Both wind and solar power have made considerable progress in efficiency and capacity. With technological advances and a diversified energy mix, they can provide significant amounts of energy to the electricity grid.

Using modern technology, wind and solar energy can be efficiently generated without occupying large areas of land. Solar panels can be installed on roofs, facades and other surfaces, while wind turbines can be established onshore or offshore.

Even if wind and solar power are weather-dependent, careful planning, energy storage and a diversified energy mix can help to balance the energy supply and minimize intermittencies.

Renewable energy in numbers

Global electricity generated from renewable sources (2021)
0 %
Global installed capacity of solar power (2021)
0 GW
Jobs in the renewable energy sector worldwide (2021)
0 M

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